α :
Total 13,440
ȣ     ۾ ¥ ȸ
2820 û۱û, 2012 Ϲݱ 01-09 959
2819 Ǽûȸ, Ʈ ǿ 01-09 1194
2818 ȵб Ȩ ټ ǰũȹ 01-07 577
2817 ȭ ֹġȸ ձ 01-07 415
2816 ȵȣ Ϻ 01-07 400
2815 ȵҹ漭 ¾ ȥž 01-07 389
2814 ȵ α 4 01-07 492
2813 2013⵵ ϴ, , , 뱸, 뱸縯 01-07 695
2812 ȵ깰Ž ̷ ִ 01-07 489
2811 SOS Ƚɼ ! Ƚϼ. 01-07 499
2810 2013 ظ 01-07 464
2809 ǼǼҡ2012 Ǽ ǰ ÷硦 01-07 1298
2808 ͷ ٸԻȸ ູ 01-04 550
2807 2012 ϵ ֿγȸ 01-04 566
2806 ̿ ũ 01-04 1060
   701  702  703  704  705  706  707  708  709  710    
ȵ, 2Ϻ μ ȡ
ĺȸ ûϰ ǥ
ȵ 8,700
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ε ̾

select * from x9_write_land where (wr_premium > 0 && wr_day > '2024-06-02 21:26:59') and wr_land='y' order by rand() limit 0, 6

126 : Incorrect key file for table '/mysql_tmp/#sql_38d0_0.MYI'; try to repair it

error file : /home/bbs/board.php